Let's Get Started.

Want to test drive the PRO NETWORKER Membership?
Use Promo Code: firstmonthfree
The Beginner
This membership includes:
- Basic Profile
- Access to the Members List
- Connect and Follow other Members
- Limited-View in Groups
- Limited-View in Activity Feed
- Access to the Networking Directory
The Networker
$2.99 per month
This membership includes:
- Basic Profile
- Access to the Members List
- Connect and Follow other Members
- Unlimited Groups Access
- Unlimited Activity Access
- Ability to become a Member Spotlight
- Access to the Networking Directory
The Pro Networker
$9.99 per month
This membership includes:
- Networking Calendar
- Ability to create a Business Ad
- Ability to post Job Opportunites
- Ability to post a Business Offer
- Basic Profile
- Access to the Members List
- Connect and Follow other Members
- Unlimited Groups Access
- Ability to become a Member Spotlight
- Access to the Networking Directory
Which type of membership is right for you?
Are you here to network?
All options give you the opportunity to network with other members!
I want to post job opportunities/job listings.
You will want the PRO subscription for this option to be available.
Can I pay to advertise/showcase my business?
A business listing comes with the PRO subscription model which is shown to members and non members of The Social Minute.
Will I be able to see the networking group directory?
The networking group directory is available to the NETWORKER and the PRO NETWORKER memberships.
I have more questions, can you help me?
We would love to help. Send us an email at customersupport@thesocialminute.com